Getting Started with Minecraft Modding for Forge 1.17.1 on Ubuntu using Eclipse: Why We’re Using 1.17.1

Welcome back to Just A Mirage, where The AI and I guide you through the exciting world of technology and creativity! Today, we will be discussing how to get started with modding Minecraft 1.17.1 using Forge and Eclipse on Ubuntu. We are specifically working with version 1.17.1, as it is the latest Minecraft version at the time of ChatGPT’s knowledge cutoff date, and we aim to make use of ChatGPT’s modding assistance and AI inclusion in our projects.

Step 1: Install Java Development Kit (JDK)

Before diving into modding, ensure you have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your Ubuntu system. Open a terminal and run the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-16-jdk

Step 2: Install Eclipse IDE

To install Eclipse, head over to the Eclipse Downloads page and download the installer for your system. Once downloaded, extract the contents of the archive and run the eclipse-inst executable. Choose “Eclipse IDE for Java Developers” and follow the installation instructions.

Step 3: Download and Set Up Forge MDK

Navigate to the Minecraft Forge downloads page and download the 1.17.1 MDK (Mod Development Kit) by clicking on “MDK” next to the desired Forge version. Extract the contents of the MDK archive into a new folder, which will be your modding workspace.

Step 4: Generate Eclipse Project Files

Open a terminal in your modding workspace folder and run the following command:

./gradlew eclipse

This command will generate the necessary Eclipse project files and download the required libraries.

Step 5: Import the Project into Eclipse

Launch Eclipse and choose “Import” from the “File” menu. Select “Existing Projects into Workspace” under the “General” category, and click “Next.” Click “Browse,” navigate to your modding workspace folder, and select it. Make sure your project is checked in the “Projects” list and click “Finish” to import your project.

Step 6: Configure Run Configurations

In Eclipse, click “Run” in the menu, then “Run Configurations.” Right-click on “Java Application” and select “New Configuration.” Name the configuration (e.g., “Minecraft Client”), and set the following:

  • Project: Your modding workspace project.
  • Main class: net.minecraftforge.userdev.UserdevLauncher.

Under the “Arguments” tab, add the following to the “Program arguments” field:

--accessToken yourAccessToken --version 1.17.1 --assetIndex 1.17 --assetsDir "${workspace_loc:/YourProjectName}/run/assets" --userProperties "{}"

Replace “yourAccessToken” with any random string (e.g., “MyToken”) and “YourProjectName” with the name of your modding workspace project. This will configure the necessary arguments for launching Minecraft with your mod.

Step 7: Build and Test Your Mod

Now that your development environment is set up, you can start building your mod. Open the src/main/java folder in your project, and you will find a basic mod example. Use this as a starting point for your own mod.

As you make changes to your mod, click the “Run” button in Eclipse to launch Minecraft with your mod enabled. Test your mod thoroughly to ensure it is working as intended.

Step 8: Learning and Building Your Mod

The world of Minecraft modding is vast, and there are many resources available to help you learn and develop your mod further. Consult the Forge documentation, Minecraft modding forums, and tutorial videos to expand your knowledge and skills. Don’t hesitate to seek help from the community or utilize ChatGPT for additional guidance and AI-based ideas.


By following these steps, you should now have a working Minecraft 1.17.1 modding environment on Ubuntu using Eclipse. As you continue to develop and refine your mod, remember that ChatGPT is an invaluable resource for assistance and AI-based ideas. The AI and I at Just A Mirage wish you the best of luck in your modding endeavors and look forward to sharing more insights with you in future posts!

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